50+ Internet Statistics for Marketers & Writers

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Researching a post or paper on the internet and digital marketing and need some stats that will make you squeal OMG in delight?

We've got you babe.

1. Internet Usage Statistics

person using silver laptop computer on desk


– How many people use the Internet? About 3.2 billion people are on the Internet across the globe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Internet_usage

– Almost 50% of the world and over 80% of the developed world have access. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Internet_usage

– The developing world is not far behind at about 43%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Internet_usage

– Almost 2 billion people will purchase something in 2019 on the Internet. https://hostingfacts.com/internet-facts-stats/

– Europe has more than 500 million Web users. https://www.internetworldstats.com/stats9.htm

– Latin America has more than 438 million online users. https://www.statista.com/topics/2432/internet-usage-in-latin-america/

– Africa has more than 455 million users online. https://www.statista.com/statistics/505883/number-of-internet-users-in-african-countries/

– Mobile internet users are online for almost three hours each day. https://wearesocial.com/blog/2019/01/digital-2019-global-internet-use-accelerates

– More than half of all teenagers have an Internet addiction. https://www.projectknow.com/internet-addiction-is-more-common-than-youd-think/

– Industry experts estimate that Google gets 95% of its revenue from ads. https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/020515/business-google.asp

– Experts believe that E-commerce shops have grown at the rate of three times that of brick-and-mortar stores. This statistic shows no sign of slowing down. https://www.thebalancesmb.com/compare-brick-and-mortar-stores-vs-online-retail-sites-4571050

– Close to 100% of people 18-29 years old are on the Internet. https://www.pewinternet.org/fact-sheet/social-media/

– Close to three billion people engage in social media every day.

Global social media research summary August 2020

– Libya has the slowest Internet in the world. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/libya-leads-world-slowest-internet-104001791.html

– About 100,000 Internet domains get deleted daily. https://www.noip.com/blog/2014/01/09/8-facts-about-domain-names/

– More than 30,000 websites get hacked or infected with malware each day around the world. https://www.bigdropinc.com/blog/cost-of-a-hacked-website/

– Half the youth between the ages of 14 and 15 claim addiction to the Internet. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/may/09/half-of-students-feel-addicted-to-the-internet


2. General Internet Statistics

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– People spend an average of 9.5 to 24 hours online. The number of people who access the Internet from a mobile device has skyrocketed to 85%. If you make a living on the Internet, you are at the upper end of usage. https://www.technologyreview.com/f/610045/the-average-american-spends-24-hours-a-week-online/

– For Internet usage statistics, it is no surprise that most Internet use can be attributed to people between the age of 19 and 25. They account for 98%. Almost 66% of seniors, 65 plus, log on regularly. https://www.statista.com/statistics/266587/percentage-of-internet-users-by-age-groups-in-the-us/

– Since 2018, the number of people who go online for the very first time every day is close to one million. https://wearesocial.com/blog/2019/01/digital-2019-global-internet-use-accelerates

– China and India account for most of the world’s Internet users. https://thenextweb.com/business/2019/06/12/china-and-india-account-for-most-internet-users-2019-internet-trends-report-says/

-98% of China’s Internet use happens on a mobile device. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/08/23/china-now-boasts-more-than-800-million-internet-users-and-98-of-them-are-mobile-infographic/#92e42027092b

– 55% of all Web content is English. https://www.vpngeeks.com/internet-statistics/

– If you think that everyone in the world is eager to be online, think again. Bots account for nearly 20% of all traffic on the Web. https://www.zdnet.com/article/bad-bots-focus-on-financial-targets-make-up-20-percent-of-web-traffic/

– About 39% of the world’s unwanted bot traffic results in the United States. https://thenextweb.com/security/2019/04/17/bots-drove-nearly-40-of-internet-traffic-last-year-and-the-naughty-ones-are-getting-smarter/

– The Internet was 30 years old in 2019. There are millions of people who can remember what life was like before going online, and there are millions who cannot. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2019/03/12/world-wide-web-turns-30-berners-lee-contract-thoughts-internet/3137726002/

– There are more than five billion email accounts in the world. https://www.lifewire.com/how-many-email-users-are-there-1171213


3. Website Statistics

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-It is no surprise that the top destinations for Internet travel are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, Yahoo, and certain sites with adult content. The usage on all these sites continues to grow by leaps and bounds. https://www.alexa.com/topsites

– Internet facts indicate that people look for information, video content, and products and services. https://www.similarweb.com/top-websites/united-states

– Close to 46% of businesses did not have a Web presence in 2018. Web development companies should be busy for a long time to come. https://digital.com/blog/small-business-statistics/


4. Mobile Internet Statistics

person holding black smartphone during daytime

– Mobile traffic accounts for 64% of Internet traffic. https://www.statista.com/statistics/284202/mobile-phone-internet-user-penetration-worldwide/

– The average person spends more than five hours a day on their smartphone. https://www.bluecorona.com/blog/mobile-marketing-statistics

– Most Americans will check their cell phones up 80 times a day. Some will even check their cell phones during a job interview. These interviews usually do not go over well. https://nypost.com/2017/11/08/americans-check-their-phones-80-times-a-day-study/

– About 60% of mobile phone users check their emails on the go. https://techjury.net/stats-about/mobile-internet-usage/

– By the year 2025 nearly three fourths of the world’s population will only use their mobile phone to access the Internet. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/24/smartphones-72percent-of-people-will-use-only-mobile-for-internet-by-2025.html

– How many websites are there? There are an estimated 1.5 billion websites around the world. As to the number of websites that go dormant each year, it is anybody’s guess. https://www.millforbusiness.com/how-many-websites-are-there/

– India, Nigeria, and Kenya have the largest share of the world’s mobile traffic. https://www.statista.com/statistics/430830/share-of-mobile-internet-traffic-countries/


5. Wi-Fi Statistics

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– Countries with the best Wi-Fi___33 access. The U.S. tops the list. https://www.ooma.com/blog/best-worst-wifi-countries/

– As early as 2015, close to 21% of Americans had their emails hacked. Close to 12% suffered a loss from having data stolen. https://us.norton.com/internetsecurity-wifi-why-hackers-love-public-wifi.html

– 65% of hotel guests are on the Internet seven minutes after checking in to their room. Internet service is one of the top amenities hotel guests look for. https://www.eventmanagerblog.com/free-hotel-wifi-necessity-not-luxury

– By 2020 industry experts predict there will be 31 billion devices connected to the Internet. https://www.statista.com/statistics/471264/iot-number-of-connected-devices-worldwide/


6. Web Hosting Statistics

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– China has 746 million users, India has 699 million, and the U.S. comes in third at 245 million users. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-20-countries-with-the-most-internet-users.html

– There are nearly 154 million hosted domains in the world as of 2019. https://webhosting.info/web-hosting-statistics

– The global Web market for hosting services is on track for an annual growth of 16%. If you are a website owner, optimizing to rank well is a must. https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/

– These are the companies that dominate the Web hosting market. https://www.hostingadvice.com/how-to/largest-web-hosting-companies/

– Here are the 10 largest top-level domains. https://www.statista.com/statistics/262947/domain-numbers-of-the-ten-largest-top-level-domains/

– Nearly 75% of users who access the Web on their mobile phones encountered slow-loading websites. The odds are they did not return to those sites. https://neilpatel.com/blog/loading-time/

– Here are average website loading times by industry and country stats. https://www.machmetrics.com/speed-blog/average-page-load-times-websites-2018/

– GoDaddy is still the biggest Web hosting service in the world. https://websitehostinginsider.com/web-hosting-industry-stats/


What can you do with all this data? Apply it to your projects, use as a product person, and more!

Last Updated on February 23, 2023 by Joe

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